Brain Tumors - The Most Common Types of Brain Tumors

There are many different types of brain tumors. Doctors use a method that is referred to as "Classification". This is nothing more than grouping the many different types of brain tumors according to the characteristics that they possess. Naturally, each of the tumors that affect the brain are issued a specific names.
Medical professionals and scientists use this particular classification system so that they may gather statistical data, uncover the underlying cause of the development of the various tumors that develop in the brain, and determine the treatment strategy for the tumors. Additionally, many may make a prognosis based on the information that they obtain from their studies. In this medical guide, you will learn about the most common types of brain tumors.
Acoustic Neuroma
Acoustic Neuroma is a tumor that directly impacts the nerve that assists in hearing. Medical professionals refer to this as the "8th Cranial Nerve". This is considered to be a slow growing brain tumor that is typically identified in the region of the brain that is referred to as the cerebellum as well as the area that is referred to as the pons.
The pons are located in the area of the brain that is referred to as the posterior fossa. When it comes to statistical data, it has been established that this type accounts for approximately 9% of all that are diagnosed. If an individual has this type of brain tumor, they are likely to experience symptoms such as a loss of hearing, dizziness, paralysis in the face area, and even loss of sensation or feeling in the face.

CNS Lymphoma

Individuals that have immune systems that are in a state of malfunction may develop a CNS lymphoma brain tumor. However, individuals that have properly function immune systems have been found to suffer from these types of tumors as well. Typically, these tumors will invade the cerebral hemispheres.
If an individual is suffering from this type of brain tumor, they are likely to experience symptoms such as memory loss, weakness that occurs on at least one side of the body, become easily confused, fatigue, and even seizures. Surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, and even chemotherapy are considered to be appropriate treatments for those suffering from these types of abnormal growths.
Glioblastoma Multiforme
When it comes to difficult tumors, the glioblastoma multiforme or GBM is considered to be the one. This type of brain tumor is also considered to be one of the most dangerous in that it has such a high level of malignancy. Statistically, this particular brain tumor is considered to be the most common among adults that are considered to be middle-aged.
This tumor accounts for 30% of all cases. There are tumors that are considered to be a mix of many different cells. When researching this particular tumor, medical professionals have established that it has the absolute highest level of mixture. It is referred to as being "Heterogeneous" for this reason.
If you have been diagnosed with a brain tumor, it is important to learn as much as you possibly can about it. Here, you have been introduced to the most common types of brain tumors. There are many, many more types.
You should focus on the cause of the tumor, how quickly it spreads, the area of the brain that it affects, the symptoms that you may experience, the treatment for the tumor as well as the prognosis. If you have any questions, be certain to direct them to a medical professional.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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What is Brain Cancer?

Brain cancer is a serious medical condition that is often referred to by medical professionals as "Meningioma" and also as "Glioma". When an individual has this type of cancer, it means that there are abnormal cells growing in and/or around the brain. This form of cancer may develop from the brain cells that are considered to be primary, but it could develop from cells that are specific to certain locations in and around the brain.
These regions include the membranes and even the small blood vessels within or around the brain. There are types of cancer that result from cells that spread from other regions in the body - such as organs. In this brain health guide, you will learn about details pertaining to brain cancer.
What is a Brain Tumor?
When an individual has brain cancer, it indicates that they also have a brain tumor. The abnormal cell growth that indicates brain cancer is referred to as a tumor. Tumors, while abnormal, are not always cancerous. Those that are simple growths and are not cancerous are identified as "Benign". Tumors that are found to possess cells that are cancerous are identified as "Malignant".
If these tumors are identified in the brain or the area surrounding the brain, they are considered to be quite serious and even have the potential to be life-threatening. This is mostly due to the fact that the cancer contained within these tumors has the capability of spreading in a rapid fashion. Tumors are further identified as "Primary" and "Secondary" among medical professionals.
The Cause
There are many theories on why brain cancer develops, but there is no one specific cause that has been identified. Scientists and medical researchers are still conducting tests and researching the onset of brain cancer in order to better understand it.
The tumors that are identified as "Primary" are believed to be a result of abnormal cell growth in the actual tissues of the brain, while the "Secondary" tumors appear to result from abnormal cell growths from other locations of the body and then travel through the bloodstream until they reach the brain. The other theories surrounding the development of brain cancer identify the following as risk factors:
• Many seem to have a genetic predisposition towards developing brain cancer when someone in the family had the condition in the past.
• Certain individuals are at a higher risk for developing this condition due to the fact that they work in certain professions, such as those that are professional embalmers and those that work in refineries for oil production.
• Radiation exposure or overexposure may result in brain cancer.
• Smoking has been established as a common risk factor of developing this form of cancer.
• There are many theories that are considered a bit unusual, yet are being investigated to determine if they result in brain cancer. These theories include the use of sweeteners that are artificial, cell phone use, consistent computer exposure, head traumas, and even consuming foods that are processed and/or heated in a microwave.
If you are concerned that you or a loved has this cancer, it is important to make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible. Many cases of brain cancer may be resolved immediately if they are caught early enough. Even if there is no way to treat the cancer, there are treatments that will soothe the symptoms associated with cancer.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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The Oligodendroglioma Brain Tumor Explained

The oligodendroglioma is a rare tumor that develops in the brain. It is created by the cells that are located in the connective tissue that surround the nerve cells of the brain. The symptoms that the patient experiences are heavily dependent upon the location of the tumor itself.
While more common among the adult population, these cells have been found in children as well. The oligodendroglioma tumor is considered to be one that grows at an extremely slow rate. In the United States population, this type of tumor accounts for approximately 3% of all tumor diagnoses. It has been established that males are more prone to this type of condition than females.
Symptoms of the Oligodendroglioma Tumor
Individuals that experience the oligodendroglioma tumor may endure a multitude of symptoms. The symptoms that are experienced are heavily dependent upon the exact location and general size of the tumor. In most instances, the following symptoms are identified in patients suffering from this condition:
• Many individuals will start to experience headaches. In most cases, as the tumor progresses in size, the headaches will progress in severity.
• Many individuals may experience behavioral based changes. These changes may include a marked personality change, high levels of irritability, depression, and even aggression.
• In some cases where an oligodendroglioma tumor is present, cognitive challenges occur. These challenges may include problems with concentration, complications with memory, and similar issues.
• There are many cases where sufferers of this type of brain tumor will experience motor function complications. Examples include experiencing weakness and paralysis in the body, challenges with walking, issues with speaking, and similar types of issues.
• Many may start to have mild to severe seizures that come as a direct result of the tumor that is growing in, on, or around the brain.
• Problems with the bowels and even the bladder may be experienced when an individual suffers from this type of tumor.
There are many treatments that may be necessary to relieve an individual of the symptoms that they experience with this tumor type. Medical professionals typically determine the course of treatment by the grade that is associated with the tumor itself. For those with only a mild tumor with minimal symptoms, a surgery may be considered.
Typically, the individual will be monitored after the surgery to determine if the tumor returns or makes an attempt to return and spread. For those that suffer from more serious complications as a result of their tumor, radiation may be required in order to ensure that the tumor does not return. Many individuals may also have to undergo chemotherapy sessions as a course of treatment after having a surgery for this type of tumor.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
INTRODUCING: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis To Awaken Your Own Magnetic, Irresistible Personality...To Attain Incredible Personal & Financial Success... And To Have Those Around You Practically *Begging* To Follow Your Commands...
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Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer can be difficult for someone to recognize because the symptoms all seem like things that could be caused by something else. However, there are some common symptoms of brain cancer that may be cause for concern. If someone notices any of these symptoms persisting, they should contact a doctor and get tested for any potential problems.
The symptoms can be caused by a couple of different issues. One common reason is if someone has a tumor in the brain that is pressing against it and prohibiting normal function. Another cause of brain cancer symptoms is if the brain becomes swollen or inflamed.
There are some common symptoms that can be found in most people who are afflicted with the disease. Constant headaches and weakness may be a sign of an issue pertaining to the brain. Another sign of a problem is if someone suddenly becomes very clumsy or has difficulty walking for no apparent reason. This is something to watch for as people tend to laugh this symptom off as a momentary lapse of balance, but it definitely cause for concern if it is happening on a regular basis.
There are also symptoms that are more vague and that people may not immediately associate with brain cancer. Some of the nonspecific physical symptoms of brain cancer include abnormalities in vision and difficulty with speech as well as unexplained, persistent vomiting that tends to occur in the morning. A less obvious sign that does not have physical repercussions is a change in emotional or mental capacity.
It is very easy to mistake some of the symptoms for indicators of other health complications. However, detecting a serious illness like this must be done early in order to give the patient the care that they need. If someone notices any of these symptoms persisting, they should make an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible to find out if they are showing signs of cancer or something else.
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A Brain Tumor Treatment Process

There are many dangerous diseases in the world. Such as Aids, Blood Cancer, Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer etc. Brain Tumor is one of them. It is a vital disease for human brain. It can be either malignant or benign kind of its type. It is an irregular and uncontrolled activity of a brain cell that usual occurs into the brain, even metastasize, cranial nerves, and pineal glands brain covers in other organs.
A Client who will feel medical care for brain tumor generally takes steroids and drugs to alleviate the edema and pain. Anticonvulsant medication is regularly given to clients for avoid convulsion. The cerebrospinal fluid has to be drained applying a shunt if clients are suffering from hydrocephalus.
The brain tumor treatment generally includes chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. However, the treatment will change dependent on various factors include such as tumor's type, size, location, age of a client and overall health situation. The treatment process and the program for children and adults usually vary.
There are many treatment processes for brain tumor in the world. Radiation oncology is the best treatment process for brain tumor. A damage brain cell is being stopped from rising by the treat of radiation. This method is generally used after surgery in which there are still remaining cancer cells that were not able to eliminate during surgery. A client generally thinks for this method when it is impossible already to have an operation done.
There are two processes in providing radiation therapy. First process is implanting radiation therapy and second process is external radiation therapy. Implant radiation therapies in which radioactive substance are put straight to the infected area. This radioactive substance may be permanent or temporary dependent on substance used. For second process, large machine is used.
Operation is the general method for brain tumor treatment. A neurosurgeon can operation this tumor. Surgeon can also remove damage brain cell from brain by skull opening. This method name is the craniotomy.
When the surgeon cannot remove cancer cells into the brain by use radiation therapy or operation that time third process is used for the client. The third process is chemotherapy. A physician uses multiple drugs or a single drug for this method. The drug is given to the client by injected or orally in the blood streams or muscle. This method name is intrathecal chemotherapy.
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Facts Pertaining to a Brain Cancer Prognosis

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer, it is important to understand that medical professionals are typically able to provide an in-depth outlook on the situation. This is referred to as a brain cancer prognosis. This is basically the professional's opinion regarding the general course of the condition, as well as the outcome of the condition.
There are many factors that come into play when a doctor provides a prognosis. While it is true that the practice of medicine is a type of science and that it is impossible for any professional to accurately predict the course of a condition 100%, if a brain cancer prognosis is provided, it is typically accurate based on statistical information obtained from other patients.
Understanding the Concept of Prognosis
When a doctor provides a brain cancer prognosis to a patient, it is an opinion that they have established based on the facts pertaining to the individual case that is being dealt with. The opinion establishes whether or not the patient has the ability to fully recover from the condition.
In many instances, it establishes if a patient that is currently cancer free has the chance of a recurrence. In order for a medical professional to establish there are many factors that are heavily considered. These include the following:
• The individual making the brain cancer prognosis will first consider the type of cancer that the patient has. In considering this, they must also consider the size of the cancer as well as the general location of the cancer.
• The doctor that is working with the patient that has brain cancer will also need to consider the actual cancer and how fast it is spreading throughout the body.
• Most professionals will take the stage of the cancer that the patient has into consideration.
• Last, the doctor will examine how well the individual has responded to treatment. In doing this, they will typically evaluate the general health of the patient as well as other factors such as their age and any environmental effects.
The Benefits of a Brain Cancer Prognosis
While a brain cancer prognosis may be quite challenging to deal with, there are many benefits to acquiring one. The patient that receives this information may get a clear picture of exactly what the future has in store for them. Expectations are set as far as what will happen and how it will happen. Typically, cancer patients have many questions that they need to be answered. By acquiring a prognosis, many of these questions may be answered.
The patient and their loved ones may be able to gain a better understanding of the financial and emotional impact that the cancer may have on their lives, and will successfully be able to plan appropriately. In addition to this, a brain cancer prognosis will assist individuals in enhancing the overall quality of life that they may experience through treatments and lifestyle changes that are considered necessary.
Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: [].
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Metastatic Brain Tumors at a Glance

Most individuals that suffer from brain tumors have metastatic brain tumors. When it comes to brain tumor diagnoses, this is the most common type of brain tumor identified in patients. When an individual suffers from this type of tumor, it means that it is a type of cancer that has developed in the brain that has originated from another region of the body.
There are many different types of cancers that a person may acquire that have the capability of spreading to the brain region. Cancers that affect the lungs, the kidneys, the breasts, the bladder, and other areas of the body may result in the onset of metastatic brain cancer.

There are many symptoms that may develop when an individual develops a metastatic brain tumor. These symptoms come as a result of the fact that tumors have the capability of destroying cells in the brain, the inflammation that typically occurs with tumors, and the pressure that the tumor may cause as it grows.
The symptoms that are experienced are typically unique to the individual that experiences them. No two patients typically have the same symptoms. The following represents the symptoms that may be experienced when a patient has a metastatic brain tumor:
• It is quite common for individuals to experience complications when it comes to basic coordination. It is not at all unusual for a person to appear to be quite clumsy, to drop things that they are carrying, or to fall. Weakness in various areas of the body is also quite common when it comes to the physical complications associated with brain tumors.
• Emotional changes are quite common when it comes to those that have brain tumors. These changes usually occur quite rapidly and the person may exhibit an entirely different personality than they normally exhibit.
• For most people that suffer from any type of brain tumor, headaches are common. These may be mild, moderate, or severe.
• Cognitive changes and complications are quite common among those that experience a metastatic brain cancer. These may include the inability to retain information as well as they used to, a general form of memory loss, judgment that is impaired, and even complications associated with numbers and basic complications.
• Many patients will start to experience seizures. When seizures are experienced, it is typically a new issue for those that have a tumor.
• Complications with both the vision and the speech are relatively common among patients with this common tumor type.
• Many will experience a general feeling of malaise that may or may not be accompanied by a low grade to moderate fever when they experience a metastatic brain tumor.

As you can see, there are many challenges for the individual that suffers from a metastatic brain tumor. This is the most common type of tumor that an individual may suffer from. Since doctors deal with this tumor type on a regular basis, there are many treatments available that may assist in eliminating the tumor and/or reducing it in size so that the symptoms are reduced and the patient is more comfortable overall.
If you are diagnosed with this condition, be certain to work closely with a medical doctor in order to ensure that you have the opportunity of improving your quality of life by reducing symptoms.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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A Brief Outline of the Ependymoma Tumor

When an individual develops an ependymoma tumor, it stems from special cells that are contained within the central nervous system which are called ependymal cells. This particular type of tumor was first identified in the year of 1924. It has been established that cases involving children and tumors account for 10% of all diagnosed tumors in the United States. In adults, these tumors account for 5% of all cases.
It is common to see children that are an average age of five and adults that are an average age of thirty five to develop these tumors. These are typically found in the cavities that are considered to be hollow in the brain. In this brain cancer health guide, you will learn important information pertaining to the ependymoma tumor.
There are many different symptoms that may be experienced when an individual has this type of tumor. Naturally, the symptoms that are experienced will be heavily dependent upon the exact size and specific location of the abnormal growth. In most instances, these tumors grow on the base of brain. The symptoms that are typically identified in patients that have this type of tumor include, but are not limited to:
• Patients may experience mild, dull headaches or severe headaches with sharp pain.
• Many individuals experience nausea. This may or may not be accompanied by vomiting.
• It is common for sufferers to experience a loss of appetite.
• Many patients have a challenging time getting to sleep and staying asleep when suffering from this type of brain tumor.
• Twitching and body jerking may be experienced.
• The ability to distinguish colors is often observed in those that have this type of brain tumor.
• Many report visual disturbances. One of the most common vision complications is seeing lines in the field of vision when subjected to bright levels of light.
• Many individuals will experience memory loss that is temporary.
There are many associations when it comes to ependymoma tumors, but there is no one specific cause for this condition. It has been established that there is no environmental cause that may lead to this type of tumor. Medical professionals have determined that there are many genetic based mutations that have been identified with this type of brain cancer tumor.
This means that many may be genetically inclined to developing this condition. However, as far as the genetic link and tumor progression, there is no one specific cause. In addition to these theories pertaining to the causes associated with this type of tumor, it has been established that those that have the condition identified as neurofibromatosis may develop this tumor. If you have recently been diagnosed with an ependymoma tumor, it is advised that you follow all of your doctor's orders regarding treatment.
Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: [].
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Brain Surgery For Brain Cancer Patients

If you are a brain cancer patient, you may be informed by your doctor that brain surgery is a necessity. Brain tumors have the capability of producing several different uncomfortable symptoms in the individual that has them.
In today's medical field, technology is consistently improving and there is a heightened sense of awareness and knowledge when it comes to the biology of the tumors that affect the brain and surrounding regions. If you have brain cancer, or a tumor that has developed and is causing you health complications, you may comfortably look forward to a future filled with hope thanks to the many variations in brain surgery procedures today.
The Brain
Medical professionals and researchers that specialize in analyzing the brain all agree that this is an immensely complex and intricate organ. This organ is not the same as other organs in the body. It has been estimated that there is an average of approximately ten billion individual cells in the brain.
These are identified as neurons by medical professionals. On top of this amazing level of neurons, it has been established that there are approximately thirteen trillion different types of connections that work to ensure that the signals sent from and to the brain are successful. Many compare the brain to a computer. However, it is quite unlikely that any man-made machine will ever reach the capacity or exhibit even the most basic functionality of the human brain.
The Goal of Brain Surgery
If you are a brain cancer patient or you have a tumor that is noncancerous but have been informed that brain surgery is an appropriate option when it comes to treating your condition, it is important to know and understand the goals associated with brain surgery. They are as follows:
• Medical professionals want to approach the brain as a whole and not in segments. They know and understand that the brain has to work as a whole, so when performing surgery, they consider the functionality of the organ as one piece and not as segments only.
• Brain surgery professionals will take into consideration that the blood is the main source for abnormal cells to travel to and from the brain. When conducting surgery, the blood will be placed as a priority when it comes to evaluation and treatment.
• Medical professionals have established that the size of the tumor is important in determining how many cells are involved that are considered to be abnormal. For every gram in weight when it comes to a brain tumor, it is believed that there are one billion abnormal cells involved. It is the goal of the brain surgery specialist(s) to make every attempt to reach and eliminate all of the cells that are considered to be part of the tumor that is being treated.
• As the brain surgeon zooms in on each cell that is involved in the tumor, their goal is to kill each of these cells and spare the areas in the brain that are considered to be normal.
By knowing the purpose and intent of brain surgery, you may appropriately prepare for the treatment that you will be experiencing.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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An in-Depth Review on Brain Cancer Symptoms

In a world where improving health is consistently being expressed as a priority in the media, at the doctor's office, and other resources many are now showing an interest in learning what the most common brain cancer symptoms are. While there are many tumors that do produce symptoms in individuals that are suffering from them, there are many tumors that simply do not result in any symptoms whatsoever.
As a matter of fact, many brain tumors are not identified in an individual until after they have experienced death. The symptoms most commonly associated with these tumors often mimic other medical conditions. It is important to understand that knowing what the brain cancer symptoms are does not mean that you may do a self diagnosis based on the symptoms. Diagnostic tools are necessary for an official diagnosis.
What Causes Brain Cancer Symptoms?
There are many contributing factors that may result in brain cancer symptoms. If you are attempting to learn more about these symptoms, it is important that you gain an understanding of the factors that result in the symptoms. The first factor is that the tumor presses against certain regions of the brain and results in complications.
In many instances, the symptoms come as a result of inflammation that occurs in and around the brain. The size of the tumor and the rate of speed that the tumor grows also has a large impact on the symptoms that an individual experiences. Many medical professionals also agree that the type of tumor that an individual has may have a direct impact on the symptoms that the person experiences.

Common Symptoms
There are many symptoms that are considered to be common. Based on statistical data, the following symptoms happen the most among those that have brain cancer:
• Most individuals will experience mild to severe headaches if they have brain cancer.
• Weakness in various areas of the body and the effects of this weakness, such as appearing to be clumsy, is common among those with cancer in the brain area. Challenges involving motor skills, such as walking, are also common.
• Many individuals will start to experience seizures when cancer is present in and around the brain.
• The mental status may become altered in one way or another. This means that the sufferer may find that they are unable to concentrate appropriately; they may experience issues with memory, and may even have a dramatic reduction as far as their inattentiveness is concerned.
• Changes with the speech, the vision, and other basic skills may be altered rapidly and dramatically.
• The emotional capacity of the brain cancer patient may be altered. In addition to this, it has been established that the intellect of the person may quickly start to decline.
There are many brain cancer symptoms that may be experienced. If you have been diagnosed with brain cancer and start to exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, unusual headaches, a sense of lethargy, and seizures, it is important to seek medical care for your condition.
There are many different brain cancer symptoms that may be experienced. It is important to learn as much as possible so that you may understand what to expect from your tumor. If you suspect something is off, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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Types of Brain Cancer Treatment

There are several different types of brain cancer. It is important to know and understand that treating a brain tumor should be customized to you. While treatments are typically standardized, it is important for the treating doctor to consider your age, as well as any and all health complications that you may experience.
In addition to this, the medical professional must also consider the type of tumor that you suffer from, the location of the tumor, as well as the general size of the abnormal growth. In this health guide, you will learn a little about the different types of brain cancer treatment that you may choose from in order to treat the health complications that you suffer from.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is a common brain cancer treatment that many individuals with tumors elect to participate in after being urged by their doctor. Machines that emit rays that are filled with a high level of energy work to effectively destroy tumor based cells. This treatment is also effective in reducing the possibility that the cells will grow and continue to multiply in the body.
In most instances, radiation therapy will completely stop the growth and reproduction process of cancerous cells in the brain and other locations in the body. This is an appropriate treatment for those that are not capable of undergoing treatment. Many patients prefer this treatment as it is considered to be local. This means that it only targets cells that are cancerous and not healthy cells.
Many patients elect to engage in the brain cancer treatment of chemotherapy. This type of treatment incorporates the use of drugs in order to effectively destroy tumor cells. Many medical professionals will use a combination of several drugs, but there are many that will use only one type of medication when issuing chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy medications are typically taken by mouth, but there are some instances when a medical professional feels that it is most appropriate to issue drugs by an IV. The brain cancer treatment is typically given in what is referred to as a "cycle". This means that a person is issued the medication on an intensive level. Immediately thereafter, there is a time where no treatments are issued. This is the recovery stage.
Typically, the patients that undergo chemotherapy experience many different challenging and uncomfortable symptoms. Many individuals actually describe these symptoms as being unbearable. They include, but are not at all limited, to the following:
• It is common for many to experience nausea. In most cases, this is accompanied by vomiting.
• Sores may start to develop on, in, and around the mouth area in patients that are undergoing chemotherapy.
• Many discover that they simply have no appetite and no desire to indulge in meals while on the treatment.
• Unfortunately, many that engage in this type of brain cancer treatment discover that they lose their hair.
As you can see, there are at least a couple of options when it comes to brain cancer treatments. If you have cancer in the brain, you will find that radiation treatment and chemotherapy are the most common types of therapies used today.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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Common Types of Childhood Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors

There are many common types of childhood brain and spinal cord tumors. If your child has recently been diagnosed with a tumor in the central nervous system, it is essential that you work to learn as much as you possibly can pertaining to the condition. The first step is to gain an understanding of the most common tumors that affect children.
In this medical guide, you will learn just that. Childhood brain and spinal cord tumors are often quite challenging to contend with overall as far as symptoms and treatments are concerned, but with the advances in the medical field, many tumors are treatable.
CNS Embryonal
The CNS or "Central Nervous System" embryonal is a common tumor that affects children. These childhood brain and spinal cord tumors actually form in the brain cells as well as the spinal cord cells when the child is considered a fetus - before birth. There are many different types of tumors that a child may develop if they suffer from a CNS embryonal.
These include an ependymoblastoma, medulloepithelioma, pineoblastoma, and a medulloblastoma. It is often challenging to identify these tumors. However, many women participate in an ultrasound at least during pregnancy. Medical professionals are typically able to identify these tumors through this process.
When it comes to childhood brain and spinal cord tumors, astrocytomas are quite common. A child that experiences a situation in which tumors form in the cells that are identified as astrocytes is said to have this type of tumor. These types of tumors may be further classified as either a low or high grade.
Those that are considered to be high as far as the overall grade is concerned typically grow at a rapid rate and also spreads quite quickly. These tumors are also considered to be malignant. This means that they are cancerous. Those tumors that are considered to be in the grade of low are those that progress at a slow rate of speed and are not likely to be cancerous.
There are many different childhood brain and spinal cord tumors that kids may be affected by. If you are informed by a medical professional that your child has a tumor in the central nervous system, it is important that you learn as much as you possibly can about the abnormal growth. You should discuss the following with your child's doctor:
• It is important to know which type of tumor that your child has.
• You should inquire about the location, and general size of the tumor.
• You should ask about the types of treatments that are available for the tumor.
• It is important to understand what symptoms will be experienced as a result of the abnormal growth.
• You should become educated on each of the brain cancer treatments that are available and inquire about which are the most appropriate for your child's condition.
• You should inquire about special funding sources and other types of resources that may assist you and your family while your child receives care.
If you receive the above information, it will allow you the opportunity to make well informed decisions pertaining to childhood brain and spinal cord tumors.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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Is There a Correlation Between Cell Phones and Brain Tumors?

There have been many studies conducted that indicate that there could be a correlation between cell phones and brain tumors. As a matter of fact, these studies actually lead medical professionals and other types of specialists to believe that there is, in fact, a relationship between the development of brain tumors and frequent phone use.
As a matter of fact, legislators in the State of Maine recently tried to get a bill passed in which cell phone manufacturers would have to put the following warning on their phones prior to distributing them to retailers:
"...This device emits electromagnetic radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer..."
- Courtesy of Video
While this particular request to pass this bill failed in March of 2010, the Federal Drug Administration is encouraging companies that manufacturer these devices to create phones that help eliminate the increased exposure to the radiation that increases the risks associated with brain tumors and the onset of brain cancer.

What do the Professionals Have to Say?
The medical professionals and various researchers that have studied the effect of long term cell phone use state that there could be a biological based issue involved that result in issues that pertain to the tissues in the body.
These professionals stand by the fact that cell phones have not really been in use long enough to provide concise statistical data that supports the claims, but they also stand by the fact that the possibilities are there that there could be a direct correlation between brain cancer and the use of this type of mobile device.
While cell phones are found to meet the FCC's standards for safety, but medical professionals are urging individuals that use these phones to understand that there could be a potential issue and to use the devices with caution.

Preventing Brain Tumors with Cell Phone Use
Based on the epidemiological studies conducted by those that are interested in establishing the link between cell phone use and brain tumors, the evidence is not conclusive enough to say that there is a direct link. However, these professionals do believe that there are some strategies that may be used to successfully prevent the possibility that brain tumors may develop as a result of phone use. The following prevention strategies seem to be logical based on what is known about this link:
• Individuals that use a cell phone should keep the mobile device as far away from their body as possible to reduce the exposure to the radiation that is emitted from the device.
• There are many hands-free and standard headsets that may be used in conjunction with cell phones. Those that are concerned about their exposure to radiation should use these cell phone accessories.
• Individuals that have a family history or a personal medical history that includes any type of tumor and/or cancer - specifically in the head and spinal cord region - should have regular checkups to ensure that they are in the clear on such medical complications as newly developed tumors.
If these strategies are incorporated when cell phones are used, an individual's chance of developing a brain tumor may be drastically reduced.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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The Benefits of Brain Cancer Home Care

There are many benefits associated with brain cancer home care. If your condition has progressed dramatically, it is not at all unusual for the medical professional that is involved in your case to express a concern about receiving additional assistance so that day to day activities are completed easier and the overall quality of life is improved.
Home care for those that suffer from brain cancer is a bit different than that for other medical conditions. When a brain cancer patient receives in home care, it is customized according to the symptoms that they experience as a whole. It is important to understand that many health insurance companies will pay for or assist in paying for this type of care.
Personal Care
Personal care is one of the most important aspects of day to day life for people. This is especially true when it comes to brain cancer patients. Individuals that suffer from this condition are often unable to appropriately care for themselves on a personal level. This may mean that they are unable to get themselves dressed, they may not have the strength to prepare their own meals, and they may not be able to care for their hygiene needs.
Home care professionals will come into the home and assist in these tasks. Additionally, they will also assist in using the restroom, walking from one area to another, showering, and other tasks that are important to the personal care of the brain cancer patient.

Home Upkeep

Home upkeep is another task that the home care professional will be able to assist with once they are assigned to a patient. It is not at all unusual for these individuals to wash dishes, wipe counters, dust, vacuum, sweep, and mop. Many may even perform additional tasks such as laundry, taking care of pets, assisting in lawn care responsibilities and running errands.
Seeing that brain cancer may affect someone on a physical and a mental level, it is often difficult for those suffering from it to engage in home upkeep chores. If a home care aide is brought into the home, though, they will be able to enjoy the fact that all of the chores are kept up and their home retains the beauty and comfort required to allow them to rest and work on healing.
Emotional Support
If a brain cancer home care professional is assigned to a particular individual, they will develop a strong bond with that person that is emotionally strong. All too many times, those that suffer from brain cancer are isolated from their relatives, friends, neighbors, and coworkers due to their condition.
The home care nurse will actually sit and spend time with the patient and listen as they inquire about their illness and express how they feel about it. If you have brain cancer, there are many benefits to having home care. If you are interested in this, be certain to discuss it with your doctor for further assistance.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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Brain Cancer Chemo-Related Nausea

Brain cancer chemo-related nausea is one of the most frustrating effects that often accompany chemotherapy. While it is true that chemotherapy is effective in killing cancerous cells and reducing the possibility that those abnormal growths that are part of brain cancer will spread throughout other areas of the brain and the body as a whole, not too many patients feel that this brain cancer treatment is enjoyable.
This is especially true if they experience the nausea that is quite common among many individuals that indulge in treatment for their condition. In this medical guide, you will learn important facts about brain cancer chemo-related nausea.
Risk Factors
It is important to understand that there are many risk factors that may indicate that an individual will develop brain cancer chemo-related nausea. One of the main factors in determining if this will be experienced relates directly to the drug that is issued during the course of the treatment. The following highlights some of the most common medications that may result in nausea that may or may not include vomiting:
• Oxaliplatin
• Cisplatin
• Altretamine
• Doxorubicin
• Carmustine
In addition to medications that may result in nausea, there are other risk factors that may mean that a patient has an increased chance of developing nausea while undergoing this brain cancer treatment option. These risks include, but are not limited to the following:
• If the patient is a female, they stand a higher chance of developing this form of nausea.
• Those that have issues with motion sickness are more likely to experience this symptom.
• If the patient typically vomits when they are suffering from a standard sickness, it is likely that they will do the same when it comes to brain cancer chemotherapy.
• If the patient is female and had bouts of morning sickness when they were pregnant in the past, they may develop nausea during chemotherapy.
• Those that experience any type of anxiety may experience nausea as well.
Preventing Chemo-Induced Nausea
There are several different techniques that may be used to prevent chemo-induced nausea. First, it is important to ensure that only small meals are eaten. While making changes to the diet when undergoing chemo, it is important to ensure that fluids are drunk on a regular basis. It is considered standard to drink at least eight different glasses of water on a daily basis.
However, if an individual is going through brain cancer treatment, it is absolutely vital to ensure that at least ten or more glasses of water are consumed on a daily basis. It is very important for patients to take the steps that are necessary to stay comfortable. If these prevention measures are taken, it could reduce the likelihood that brain cancer chemo-related nausea is experienced.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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The Primary Regions of the Brain Studied in Brain Cancer Clinical Trials

Brain cancer clinical trials are used to test the various hypotheses of researchers and medical specialists. They are also used to focus studies on the symptoms discovered to be a direct result of the cancer and to determine more information about the specifics on the topic of brain cancer.
When professionals conduct a clinical trial, they focus on six areas of the brain. These areas are often referred to as the primary regions. There are many different reasons why these regions are studied so intently. In this guide, you will learn about the primary regions of the brain studied in brain cancer clinical trials.
The Focus
When medical professionals study those that are experiencing conditions of the brain, they work to identify the regions of the brain that are specific to the patient's symptoms as a whole. This is basically due to the fact that each different region is responsible for day to day functioning. When an individual has brain cancer, they have the capability of experiencing a multitude of symptoms.
Professionals may observe the data obtained from the brain cancer clinical trials and determine where a tumor is, the size of the abnormal growth, as well as the speed in which the cancer is growing and/or spreading. Once that focus has reached a stage where progression as far as knowledge is concerned, the next focus is to determine what treatment measures will be appropriate to treat the tumor(s).
Primary Regions
As stated previously, there are six different regions of the brain that medical professionals evaluate during brain cancer clinical trials. The regions and a small description of functionality for each of the main regions listed below:
• Cerebellum - This region of the brain is located just above the brain stem on the backside of the brain. This area is responsible for balance, the posture of an individual, and the coordination in general.
• Brain Stem - This primary region of the brain assists in connecting the actual brain to the spinal cord. This region permits things to pass from the body to the brain and assists in maintaining the blood pressure and energy levels.
• Frontal Lobe - This region of the brain is located in the front section of the brain. This area has many responsibilities which include, but are not limited to cognitive functions, solving problems, and assisting in the development of the basic personality that an individual has.
• Occipital Lobe - While in the back region of the brain, this is positioned in about the center of the brain region. This region is the main area that controls the patient's vision.
• Parietal Lobe - This region is directly behind the frontal lobe region. This region impacts a person's ability to touch and even to feel. It is also responsible for cognitive functioning such as the ability to comprehend new information.
• Temporal Lobe - This lobe is located in both sides of the brain. The lobe on the left assists in memorizing memory that is verbal based. The right side controls memory that is visual in basis. This is the lobe that helps professionals determine the "right brain, left brain" topics that professionals write regarding the personality of an individual.
As you can see, there are many different areas of the brain that are studied in brain cancer clinical trials. If you are working with a doctor outside of the clinical trials and have experienced an issue with brain cancer, it is important to learn as much as you possibly can pertaining to this topic. This way, when it is presented to the doctor in the trial, it will be determined whether or not you are an ideal candidate for their brain cancer clinical trials.
Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: [].
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Brain Cancer Radiation Therapy

Brain cancer radiation therapy is the process in which a particular form of energy is used to destroy cancerous cells in the body. This treatment is also used to reduce the size of the tumors that are present within the body. This is made possible by the fact that the genetic information on the abnormal cells is eliminated.
Once this occurs, the cells are no longer able to go through their traditional characteristics of dividing and spreading through the body. The ultimate goal associated with this type of brain cancer treatment is to successfully eliminate the largest number of abnormal cells as possible while not damaging the cells that surround the abnormal ones that are considered to be healthy. Here, you will learn more information pertaining to brain cancer radiation therapy.
External Therapy
Individuals that require brain cancer radiation therapy may opt for the external therapy treatment. This type of radiation therapy is made possible by a machine in the external environment of the patient. The technologically advanced machine will emit a large amount of radiation towards the area that the cancer is present.
Those that choose this type of treatment may have it performed on an outpatient basis. While used in other types of cancer such as those that affect the bladder, the prostate and similar areas, this form of treatment has proven to be highly successful for those suffering from the uncomfortable symptoms associated with brain tumors. There are two subtypes of radiation treatment that is considered to be external. They are "Intraoperative Radiation Therapy" and "Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation".
Internal Therapy
Internal therapy is another type of brain cancer radiation therapy that many doctors and patients agree is highly beneficial in killing cancerous cells and reducing the sizes of tumors within the body. Instead of using a machine that emits radiation, the radiation is typically contained within a container that is often identified as an implant.
Individuals that engage in this type of treatment are typically admitted to the hospital. This is because of the fact that the implant must be placed within the body so that the medication may start to work against the cancerous cells. Internal therapy is identified by the way that the medication implant is placed in the body. There are two subtypes. The first is called "Interstitial Radiation". The second type of internal based radiation is identified as "Intracavitary Radiation".
Brain cancer radiation therapy has been successful in nine of ten cases. While there are some side effects and symptoms that may be potentially dangerous, this is rare as medical doctors watch the individual undergoing therapy very closely. This means that if any complications come up, they may be dealt with quickly. If you have brain cancer, it is important to ensure that you discuss all of your treatment options with a doctor prior to initiating brain cancer radiation therapy.
Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: [].
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The Brain Cancer Risk From Careless Radiation Testing at Hospitals

It started when my brother-in-law, who is kind of fond of the drink, fell down heavily at home one day when a stroke hit him. It was a minor stroke that he recovered from with a week in hospital; but to be on the safe side, the doctors recommended a kind of radiation test that they said would help them identify the exact spot the blockage existed in that had caused the blood flow problem in his brain. The radiation test was to be a procedure called the CT brain perfusion scan; it was kind of scary to hear about - it was to beam the equivalent of hundreds of x-rays worth of radiation into his brain. We might have suspected that this would cause problems later on, but all the high-tech wizardry we were surrounded by kind of helped calm our fears. And then it started - there was the perfect circle of hair that just dropped out of his head one day soon.
When we brought it up with the doctor, he didn't say that he believed that there was something wrong with the procedure; he wondered if my brother-in-law had started combing his hair in the wrong direction. This was kind of like the way Toyota likes to blame the out-of-control acceleration in their cars on drivers getting their pedals mixed up. We began to read up, and then came this breaking story in the New York Times that really was a wake-up call. That CT brain scan was what was behind it all the time. Those machines (made by GE, Toshiba and others) didn't have the software set up so that they would be easy for the technicians to use; the companies didn't train the lab technicians properly, and my brother-in-law had ended up getting 10 times the radiation he should have. And there are so many people this is happening to that there's actually a class action lawsuit being planned.
What exactly happens then when this machine zaps your brain? The most visible thing that happens right away is that you lose your hair for a few weeks. But there are more serious things that go on within. Brain cancer and memory loss happen to be real possibilities. The problem here is that there is so much going on on the cutting-edge science of radiation therapy that there has been not enough time to discover everything that can go wrong, and to establish training procedures that will help lab technicians learn their skills properly before they zap anyone into orbit. There actually is no legal limit to how much radiation they can give you either.
While they suspect that brain cancer could be a strong possibility, there hasn't been enough time that has elapsed that they could actually find out how serious things can be. Perhaps the problem is that we've come to depend on safety features built into everything we use. If you don't close the door of your microwave properly, it's not going to work; if you don't close the door of your car properly, it's going to warn you repeatedly. Technicians who work these machines easily use the automated features provided, assuming that they've been designed to be idiot proof - to warn them when they are about to zap someone into getting brain cancer. They forget that idiot-proofing is just a consumer innovation. Professional equipment doesn't come with these features, because they assume that technicians know what they are doing. If it's at all comforting to hear this, a few high-ranking hospital staff at hospitals around the country have suffered the same effects. It just goes to show how light the veneer of the safety is that we take for granted.
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Caffeine Protects Against Brain Cancer

Regular consumption of caffeine can help people fight the risk of deadly brain cancer, according to a scientific study. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) revealed that people who had more caffeine in their diet were less likely to suffer from brain tumors such as gliomas, which can be difficult to treat.
EPIC researchers studied the diets and lifestyles of half a million men and women over eight years and compared cancer rates among those who frequently consumed caffeinated products to volunteers who had little or no caffeine. The team of scientists discovered that a daily dose of caffeine reduced the risk of brain cancer by an average of 34 per cent. Furthermore, it was revealed that men would benefit the most from taking caffeine as males reduced their risk of brain cancer by 41 per cent compared to women who lowered their chances of getting the disease by 26 per cent.
The report, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, stated: "We found an inverse association between total tea and coffee consumption and the risk of glioma. "These findings, if further replicated in other studies, may ­provide new avenues of research on gliomas." The Daily Express reported that approximately 4,200 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor each year in Britain and around half are gliomas.
People who are worried about brain tumours should look out for symptoms which range from headaches and seizures to blurred vision as well as drowsiness and even changes in personality, memory or mental ability. The benefits of caffeine is positive news for those looking to lose weight fast through t5 fat burners and slimming pills as these health supplements contain large doses of the compound. Health supplements such as t5 fat burners and slimming pills contain caffeine in order to stimulate weight loss by providing the consumer with increased energy which they can then use for exercise.
People who take these products for the first time may experience increased body temperature and shakiness although this will dissipate once they have got used to the effects of caffeine. Nausea may be another side effect of t5 fat burners and slimming pills but this can be prevented by eating and drinking plenty of water. Research by the University of Liverpool discovered that weight loss products are most effective in the long term if people take the supplements alongside a balanced diet and healthy exercise regime.
DesirableBody provide t5 fat burners and slimming pills to assist people who want to lose weight. DesirableBody are quickly becoming one of the most trusted online sources for slimming supplements having already sold millions of their thermogenic (T5) range.
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Brain Cancer Survival Rate

Brain Cancer Survival Rate: Brain tumor is basically characterized by the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The brain tumors occur in the brain in two different ways - some tumors spread from a cancer affected part of the body to the brain, while some other tumors start their growth in the brain itself. Given below are the major symptoms of brain tumor.
Changes in personality are also observed in people suffering from brain tumor.
Over exposure to certain harmful chemicals can lead to brain tumor.
The brain tumor survival rates depend on various factors, such as the location of the brain tumor, the size and type of the brain tumor, stage of the brain tumor and whether the patient is suffering from any other ailment. The brain tumor survival rates are around eighty percent for those suffering from oligodendroglioma brain cancer.
Brain cancer remains one of the most incurable forms of cancer, with an average survival period of one to two years.
Factors Affecting Survival
Several factors can influence the five-year survival rate of cancer patients. These include the size of the tumor, its location in the brain, the type and severity of the cancer, the stage of the cancer and the overall health of the patient.
How Survival Rates are Calculated
Survival statistics are based on large numbers of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual patient.
Age and Survival
A patient's age has much to do with how long he will survive with brain cancer, as the odds decrease with age. According to, children to the age of 14 have a 73 percent chance of surviving five years, while the rate drops to 55 percent for young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a 16 percent survival rate, and the elderly have a survival rate of only 5 percent.
Other Facts
Despite the gloomy statistics, it has been shown that a combination of radiation treatment and chemotherapy can lengthen the life of brain cancer survivors, and in some cases, even improve the quality of life, while patients who forgo treatment do not live as long.
The Brain Cancer presented here are based on the relative survival rate. The overall 5-year relative brain cancer survival rate for 1995-2001 was 33.3 percent.
The 5-year relative survival rates for brain cancer by race and sex were as follows:
• 32.1 percent for Caucasian men
• 33.5 percent for Caucasian women
• 37.7 percent for African-American men
• 37.5 percent for African-American women.
Stage Four Brain Cancer Survival Rate Statistics reveals that mental stress and negative emotional is responsible for around 85% of physical disorders.
Negative Emotional And Cancer has No Direct Relation
There is no such direct connection of negative emotional and cancer, but it has been proven that negative emotional experiences and mental stress weakens the immunity system. How Negative Emotional Experiences Effect your Body?
After becoming a cancer patient, the quantity of stress and negative emotion increases automatically. The negative emotional experiences interrupt the energy flow in human body.
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This technique can be used for all types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer, Bone cancer, braincancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer.
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Brain Cancer Survival Rate
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Brain Tumor Symptoms Mirror Symptoms of Menopause

I miss you and you're not gone, my friend why you have to go?  You will stay forever in my heart. What can I say other than I love you.  The joy I feel is in the blessings that you brought to me and my family by being a great friend. Always there to jump to my aid, never asking for much in return. My friend who is always up for a good time, taking everyone around her along for the ride. Our good times out number the bad. Know deep in your heart that I love you to and if I could fix it I would. I am scared, angry and confused. Why you? Why now?  My friend I miss you already and your not gone. I know that you are fighting to stay and I love that...wouldn't have it any other way. I got your back and a shoulder to rest on. Let me wipe your tears away, as we laugh about in the day. You are my friend I love you. I wrote this for you Lee Ann my friend I hope you get to hear it, I wrote from my heart.
Diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor my closest friend may not have too much time left that she will know who I am. I am a fixer, and there is nothing that I can do to make her better. The questions I have might help me understand how this could happen and how fast it has taken it's toll on everyone in our close circle of love.
These are my questions about brain tumors:
  • What are Brain tumors?
  • What are the Symptoms?
  • What next when dealing with brain cancer?
  • How much time?
  • How could we have missed them?
Here's what I found:
A brain tumor is an abnormal cell mass that grows in or on the brain. They are either a primary tumor (tumor that begins in the brain) or metastatic tumors ( form from cancer already in the body and travels to the brain.) Some are cancer and some are not. 194,000 American are diagnosed with some type of brain tumor every year. 44,000 are primary tumors. Many are undiagnosed until they become life threatening.
Symptoms are sometime over looked, headaches may come and go, appetite may be decreased, temporary memory loss, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, hot flashes and sweats, fatigue, sleeplessness and depression. Most common are headaches and seizures. The location of the brain which the tumor develops can cause different symptoms. This site gives you the symptoms for the area that the tumor is located. Very helpful in empowering you with understanding what to do next and how to deal with this chapter in your life.
So many of the symptoms my friend has are the same as menstruation or menopause in women. Having symptoms that come and go may not raise any red flags. Many people go undiagnosed until, it is found by accident or like my friend who's symptoms mirror the symptoms of menopause . When she finally could not avoid her family telling her, it's time to find out what is going on with your health. A trip to the doctors didn't help they even missed the red flags and discounted it because of the clarity of her mind and how she could articulate how she was feeling when she would visit. She is at the age most women go through the change. Her daughter forced her to go to the Emergency Room and after a ct scan she was diagnosed.
The treatments are different for each type of tumor. Your age and physical condition may effect the type of treatment recommended. When diagnosed you may want a second opinion and is recommended for anyone that may be going through denial or is seeking treatments at other facility. A neurologist dose not have to see you to give his option or help with you treatments. Insurance is a big determining factor in health care and you may need to get a second opinion before starting treatment. Make sure you asks as questions you have about the best, worst and everything from what next and how to cope with this diagnosed.
The steps are MRI, brain biopsy and treatment. Surgery maybe recommend along with chemo and radiation. Each treatment is customized for each person.
I am hopeful that it is not as bad. It is bad and I am having such a hard time dealing with the diagnosis. So I started to find all that I could about brain tumors and I am amazed and still fill with hope. The doctors deal everyday with patients are willing to answer all questions. The Doctors are straightforward and want to work with anyone seeking  treatment. Our doctors are there to advise us and help us make decisions on how to proceed.
Time is the one thing that we are not get more of make the most of it. Physicians that work with brain tumor patients  try to give you the best chance of quality time. The treatments are getting better enabling you to recovery faster.
Asks anything and write down or record the answers so you are fully aware of the choices you have to make. Denial, depression, anger, forgetfulness and the feeling of loss are common for those who have a brain tumor or their family and close friends.
Questions you and your family may have.
  • What are the effects of a brain tumor?
  • What causes a brain tumor?
  • How fast do they develop?
  • How can I fight this?
  • Is it worth the fight?
You can find the symptoms just go to American Brain Tumor Association ( while your there you can educate yourself on treatments as well.
I love my friend and I want her last months or years to be well informed on the treatments and the side effects. To have the quality of life that is pain free and will bring her joy. I am here for her family and wish I lived closer so I could help with her fight, yes her fight to regain the time she has left. To ease her mind that she is truly loved and to wrap my arms around her again for she is one of my favorite people I love her.
Unless the Lord had been my help, I would soon have dwelt in silence. When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness,O Lord, held me up. In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul! PSALM 94: 17-19
My blog is where I show how far I have come and share my training and knowledge. I will be doing marketing and product promoting on my site. Educating on pain management and alternative medicines and treatments. Commenting on what is new in the physical fitness world and how it fits in our lives. recruiting like minded individuals to join my team of marketing and networking.
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Coffee, Tea, Caffeine and Brain Cancer Risk

The information in this column is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or recommendations by the author. Please consult with your physician before making any lifestyle or medication changes, or if you have any other concerns regarding your health.
Coffee and tea are widely enjoyed around the world, and both have been the subject of numerous health claims (most of them unproven). Tea, and green tea in particular, has been the focus of extensive research, with many prior studies suggesting that tea may improve cardiovascular health and, to a much lesser extent, may decrease the risk of some cancers. Much of the published research regarding coffee has, on the other hand, been focused on trying to disprove purported links between coffee consumption and a potential increase in the risk of some cancers. (Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of such research has not identified a strong link between moderate coffee consumption and an increased risk of cancer.)
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study is a huge ongoing prospective multinational public health study, and several of this enormous study's preliminary results have already been published. The EPIC study is focused on potential links between diet, nutritional status, lifestyle, and environmental factors and the incidence of cancer (among other chronic diseases). (EPIC is one of the largest studies of diet and health ever undertaken, and has already recruited 520,000 research volunteers in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.) Now, a new update from this historic public health study suggests that increased coffee and tea consumption may be associated with a decreased incidence of malignant brain tumors. This new update from the EPIC study appears in the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Following an average duration of follow-up of nearly 9 years, 588 new cases of brain tumors were diagnosed among the EPIC research volunteers. Gliomas, the most common and most aggressive type of brain tumors that occur in adults, were found to be 34 percent less common among people who drank at least 100 milliliters (3.4 ounces) of coffee or tea per day. (Although not statistically significant, this association was also noted to be stronger in men, with a 41 percent lower risk of gliomas in men, as compared to a 26 percent reduction in glioma incidence in women.)
Although it is not clear what causes gliomas of the brain, prior public health studies have at least suggested a link between glioma brain tumors and chronic occupational exposure to high-intensity electrical and magnetic fields, and to rubber and plastics manufacturing. (As I discuss in "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race, there is also some data linking prolonged cell phone use with an increased incidence of gliomas and other brain tumors.)
Other smaller public health studies have also identified an apparent link between increased caffeine intake and a decreased incidence of gliomas, and there is laboratory evidence available suggesting that caffeine may reduce the growth of malignant glioma cells growing in culture dishes. Thus, these new findings from the giant EPIC study further suggest the possibility that coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages might be able to reduce the risk of gliomas of the brain.
For a groundbreaking overview of cancer risks, and evidence-based strategies to reduce your risk of developing cancer, order your copy of my new book, "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race," from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Vroman's Bookstore, and other fine bookstores!
Robert A. Wascher, MD, FACS
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Brain Cancer Symptoms

Brain Cancer is a malignancy that can be detected and treated only with a detailed medical examination. It is not a routine ailment since in most cases it is fatal. It normally strikes when one type of the brain cell transforms and loses its normal characteristics and starts multiplying to form an abnormal mass of cells called a tumor. However, not all brain tumors are malignant. Benign brain tumors pose no threat and can be successfully removed.
The malignant brain tumors grow very aggressively and they destroy the healthy brain cells. Continuous growth of abnormal cells also increases the intracranial pressure resulting in malfunctioning of other brain organs and tissues.
There are two types of Brain Cancer. The Primary Brain Cancer originates in the brain itself and generally confines itself to the brain only. The second type is the Secondary Brain Cancer which is an extension of a cancer in some other part of the body gradually spreading to the brain.
The symptoms of brain tumor depend on the part of the brain affected i.e. the location of the tumor. There are numerous symptoms which if not cured by basic medication need to be examined in detail for indications of brain tumor. These are:
* Headaches - most common due to increased intracranial pressure as a result of the growing tumor.
* Nausea, Vomiting & Seizures.
* Difficulty in maintaining body balance.
* Short lapses in memory.
* Swelling in the brain.
* Weakness in the arms or legs or both.
* Poor motor functions.
* Slurring.
* Lowered eye vision.
* Spells of dizziness.
* Lack of coordination in speech and action.
* Numbness of limbs.
* Difficulty in recollecting events.
* Hallucinating.
* Persistent general weakness.
* Falling or stumbling.
* Changes in pupil sizes of both eyes.
* Change in gait.
* Cognitive decline.
* Mood changes.
It is advisable to see a doctor whenever you feel you have a tumor. If you do not share your concerns with your doctor, they may not get addressed timely.
Douglas Ketner administers For more information on brain cancer symptoms, visit
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